
Introducing the client:

The company HLF is a traditional Czech company operating on the market since 1996 in the field of mechanical engineering, focusing on pressing and metal working and moulding of plastics, production of switches and other control elements, mainly for the automotive and electrotechnical industries.

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Solution description:

As a part of designing a suitable solution, a strategic partnership was established between the companies HLF, DORPS and also the Institute of Physics of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic.

A unique project called "CUBSY" was created, which consists of modular structural elements (HLF) and a unique DEX SW solution (DORPS) covering the processes related to designing structures from these elements in real space, their ordering, production, sales, and partner network

Customer requirements

The HLF company has developed a product line of modular structural elements, which is a base for variable, structural and functional units with various purposes of practical use. Because of the variability and necessity of the construction process, it was necessary:

To create a SW tool - a configurator, within which the potential client, as well as an internal employee, will have the opportunity to work with individual elements of the structure in such a way that it is possible to create specific assemblies that the client can order and assemble.

To simplify and facilitate the entire process from the design of the structure, through the order to installation.

To cover the possibility of partner sales and to it related processes.

To gain a competitive advantage over other modular systems.

SW solution DEX is created to be used on these platforms

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Several user roles participate in the processes, and they use several interconnected applications for their work

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Web Administrator Portal (with integrated graphic editor-designer):
  • Inserting and editing structural assemblies in the catalog.
  • Creating 3D instructions.
  • Administration of orders and buybacks.
  • Administration of user accounts, access and other system settings.
  • Possibility of integration with 3rd party systems.
Partner portal (with integrated graphic editor-constructor):
  • In the case of non-typical constructions and demanding structural designs, it is possible to request a partner
    for complete implementation from his immediate surroundings.
  • Processing orders and repurchases.
  • Controlling purchases using warehouse management.
  • Management of user accesses of partner employees.
Web Client Portal (with integrated graphic editor-constructer):
  • Modelling in the client portal via web browser in case it is not necessary or possible to model the construction
    in a real scene.
  • Use of non-typical constructions in the so-called free assembly without applying construction rules.
  • The possibility of using the validation service of the created non-typical structure.
  • Creating orders and repurchases.
  • Technical support - automated robot for chatting (chatbot). If the user's request is too specific, it sends the
    contact to the relevant partner/support.
Mobile application/XR application - constructor:
  • Scanning of the physical space (using a mobile phone or MS Hololens 2 XR glasses) which the user wishes to
    place the structure into. (here, give a small picture of the HoloLens and the mobile phone)
  • Modelling of the structure using predefined segments according to the type of structure.
  • Use of standard constructions and construction rules based on the physical properties of the components
    established by the Physical Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic.
  • Verification of the created structure from different angles by movement in real space.
  • 3D instructions for installing the structure on their own.

Use cases of individual applications by specific user roles:

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The resulting project "CUBSY" supports the principles of modularity and circular economy = re-design and re-use, thereby helping to save the environment and reduce ecological problems

Structure life cycle covered

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Benefits of the DEX SW solution for modular structural elements

The solution helped to launch a new HLF product line.

It gives HLF an advantage as a potential B2B supplier against the competition.

It enables the use of design solutions by a wide range of users.

It increases user comfort through a smooth process in a unified SW environment from design, ordering, delivery to assembly of the structure itself.

It refines and speeds up the design of the final form of structures by visualizing them in a real environment.

It saves time and costs for purchasing and installing a constructional solution.